It's official, I'm totally Norcal just by the title of this post. But the idea is really straightforward when I'm learning new things I'm better off going to kindergarten before I go to the Masters program.
I'm in the middle of a career change wherein I want to leverage my very best skill sets. I'm like, totally likeable and know how to develop really good relationships. I'm a people person and I'm smart. I like to be goofy at times as well. So it makes perfect sense that I've been an accountant all my life right??
Not anymore. And so as I embark on this journey of change I have to remember take it slow but keep moving forward. Don't do cobra and move onto crow, I'm asking for trouble.
I know I want it and want it bad, but I also know that I'm not in charge of the results, I'm in charge of the action and for now cobra is working just fine.
Glad to hear you're making the move! You're wasted as an accountant. Do what (who?) you love, not what you're good at.
Posted by: | March 21, 2013 at 10:56 AM