I was talking with a couple of friends about the way I listen. I'm intellectually quick. It serves me remarkably well working with entrepreneurs. They really appreciate the fact that in a matter of 30 minutes or so I understand the essence of the company they have for so long struggled to articulate.
Personally, it's a little trickier. Because of my intellect it doesn't take long to get what I think is an understanding of what someone is saying. Once there, I'm ready to move on or discuss whatever angle the person would like to look at the subject further.
If the person restates what's already understood on my part, I get....restless. My friend today shared with me that after intellectually getting something that the marginal benefit of then understanding it emotionally or even spiritually is greater than the intellectual understanding most times and that restatement sometimes facilitates that journey.
I guess I've got some form of acute intellectual ADD, once I get it, I'm ready to move on. Of course there are times when I "get" something, but get it wrong (not often, but sometimes). That aside, I'm interested in looking at levels of understanding as a means to more deeply experience something that would seem to only really require an intellectual understanding.
If I'm talking with someone who operates along the same intellectual principles, the pace is snappy.
I'm capable of slowing down and going deeper, I guess I'm learning when I should.