I purchased an airline ticket the other day and noticed that there is a 9-11 security tax. How's that for a great way to keep that terrible event in our consciousness. I think it's odd that we are interested in perpetuating it.
I also remember hearing a quote from some politician on 9-11 saying that he would make sure we would never forget about 9-11.
I suggest this with all due respect: Aren't we supposed to let stuff go?
Yes, it's still a little challenging for me to consider the families who lost loved ones in that senseless act. But when we refer to it in a tax or ensure that "we'll never forget it" aren't we ensuring that we'll perpetuate the fear and hatred from the act?
I suppose that's in someone's best interests, I just don't know who. I wonder if that 9-11 security tax is what pays for all of the new security codes and colors and checkers that have been implemented that still seem to be missing the key security point.
And isn't it SO ironic that this "tax" is implemented and transacted upon at the most vulnerable time possible? It's like we won't show an airplane crash movie during the flight but we're happy to bring up one of the scariest scenarios of all during the flight purchase.
Regardless, I will still have to arrive 2 hours in advance to fly from SF to LA (real high risk flight) with my daughter who is six and take off our shoes and lose our 6 ounce plus bottles (like her detangler) because we might be the ones! And so it goes.
I was queueing to drop off my bags for my flight to Scotland the other day and noticed that the departure hall at the airport was packed, everyone trying to either check in or drop off their bags and thought how easy would be for a terrorist with explosives either strapped to his body or carried in a big bag to just walk in and pull the trigger. He would take out so many more people in an instant than on a plane. It made me wonder why we pay this security tax when actually there is no security at all in this part of the airport. Everyone should get screened before he comes into the airport.
I also find it hilarious that on some flights you get "real" cutlery when you fly first class... why is that? Because terrorists don't fly first class?
Posted by: Franziska | October 26, 2007 at 05:22 AM