I don't much care what people think about what I write on my blog, I've said that many times before. However, the visual for me of Chris Crocker in mid-rant about Britney as one of the first things you see on my site is just a little too much for me to bear.
So, I offer you this: I was talking with a friend who said that blogging will eventually die out from a mass adoption perspective, but if you look at the trends of how young people are blogging there's not doubt in my mind that he's wrong.
I read a Forrester report that said 3% of US Online adults blog.
An unbelievable 32% of US Online youths blog.
That gap is astonishing. Ask anyone what that means and they'll all be wrong. Nobody knows. Just like I said about youtube and senor Crocker. We just don't know but it will be interesting to watch.
And it also helps me avoid having my entry page on this blog be Chris Crocker.....
No disrespect Chris, I just couldn't handle it.
Hello enhatstraurne!
As you ask...part of article:
Clinical trials are underway to investigate the potential of Velcade in additional settings and in combination with other anti-cancer drugs to enhance treatment effects or reverse resistance(v).
Velcade has a well-defined safety profile and a favourable benefit-risk ratio. The most common side effects reported with Velcade include fatigue, gastrointestinal adverse events, transient thrombocytopenia and neuropathy, which is reversible in the majority of patients.
Posted by: HamefulaKeref | September 14, 2008 at 01:31 PM
You can be lucky!!!
Posted by: luckymansy | November 13, 2008 at 08:49 PM
I am here at a forum newcomer. Until I read and deal with the forum.
Let's learn!
Posted by: Prulalewlus | December 04, 2008 at 03:42 PM