If you haven't heard, Larry Craig is the senator from Idaho who got busted for cruising for homosexual sex in a Minneapolis airport bathroom. (Did you know it's actually a crime to peep through the crack of a stall? I mean I guess it makes sense, I just didn't know it was an actual law...but it is and he got busted for it and other things.)
Anyway, William Saletan wrote a great article pointing out the hypocrisy of the fact that Craig was a supporter of don't ask/don't tell and yet he still has his job after sort of admitting he is gay (well sort of denying then admitting now retracting it).
I loved this quote from Mr. Craig regarding his take on DADT JUST TWO WEEKS AGO, after being arrested in June:
"I don't believe the military should be a place for social experimentation," Craig wrote. "It is unacceptable to risk the lives of American soldiers and sailors merely to accommodate the sexual lifestyles of certain individuals."
For me, honestly, I don't think they guy should be thrown out of office necessarily. So he cruises airport bathrooms where it's known to happen, big deal (in fact that's why they set the sting up there...). I just wish he would be honest about the whole situation. As Mr. Saletan points out, it's the lying that is so hypocritical given the built in honesty bullet of DADT, it REQUIRES you to be honest or you're in deep trouble.
Nevertheless, I think it's game, set and match for Mr. Craig. Perhaps it will give him more time to branch out into rest stops or park restrooms rather than the halls of Congress.