Today, I'm proud to share, is the day that Ben Casnocha's first (of I'm sure many) books came out, My Start-Up Life: What a (Very) Young CEO Learned on his Journey Through Silicon Valley.
The book is important to me for a number of reasons. First I think it's a book that should be required reading for HS and College students, but as I noted in my review, I suspect that teachers may struggle teaching it. A big part of Ben's story is that he has succeeded outside of the traditional academic routes that school requires.
And it's not easy to do that (which of course is nothing short of perplexing). The book describes in simple, compelling detail how he did it.
It's also important to me because as a friend it's wonderful for me to see him realize a dream given how much he loves to write. He's an interesting individual who will continue to grow. His blog and most certainly in my personal interactions since I've known him I've gotten the pleasure of learning lots about what Ben thinks.
His ideas are compelling. Now this first book I think talks more about his experiences than his ideas but his experiences are pretty unusual and interesting. I'm excited that this success gives him the opprotunity to perhaps write in the future more about his ideas than Ben.
Of course, Ben will tell you that in his relationship with me it doesn't excuse him from sharing honestly with me, which he does as we both learn about who we are.
The last part I'm excited about (which Ben and I had a good laugh about) is that the last page of the book is mine. I don't mean he talks about me, I mean it's mine! I wrote a short essay for the book and it ended up as the last page of the book. Understandably, Ben asked the publishers to move the page earlier which he thought had happened, but when the first print came dice, TT got the last word!
It's a great gift to or from parents and a wonderful read...particularly the last page!
Congrats Ben, you rock!